The mystery of the portrait of white women in Africa 7000 years ago

Namibia is located on the southwestern continent of Africa, the whole from West to East is divided into three natural geographic areas: the Namibu Desert, the Central Highlands and the Kalahari Desert.

Whites appeared in Africa 7,000 years ago?

Namibu Desert is a narrow strip of sand dunes and bare rocks, one of the driest areas in the world. Because there are no rain in here for many years, the monstrous climate of an abnormality should be covered by sand. There are 250m high sand dunes, tens of kilometers long, forming a barren wasteland.

Bolandebaica mountain has a height of 2,610m compared to the sea is the highest mountain in the desert. It has a world famous stone painting . It is a portrait of a noble white woman. It is because it appears in a remote place so it draws attention, attracts suspicious, incomprehensible eyes of many people.

In 1927, a French engineer discovered in Quxiti, the ancient inhabited area next to Mount Bolandebaica, that had some rock paintings. According to the survey and calculation, it is known that these paintings on stone were made around 6000 BC. Among them is a picture depicting women taking part in the march. What makes one unexplainable is that in addition to some black Aboriginal people there is a white minority, she wears the same makeup as a white woman today.

This lady has smooth white skin, elegant attitude, wearing a beautiful short-sleeved shirt, tight-fitting pants, a hairstyle that is exactly the same as today's girls. On the head, arms, thighs and chest are also adorned with splendid pearl beads. Aibihiliuer, the famous archaeologist who participated in the inspection, declared it was a genuine work 7,000 years ago. That statement made everyone feel immersed in the vast mist of time and space. It is well known that Namibia still has a lot of desolate areas and is now the lowest density country in the world. This area has so far been desert and desert deserts, sparsely populated from one generation to another, where only black people live, there has never been another ethnic group of people living in color. here. Only after the fifteenth century did Portuguese, Dutch and British people go to Northern Namibia in turn.

According to legend, the Phoennicians were only able to cross here by boat about 2,000 years ago. So why is there a portrait of a white woman 7000 years ago?

According to the survey, the history of humanity began to wear clothes for less than 4600 years. The wearing of black Aboriginal clothes has not been refined yet and has not been studied yet. How can the Namibians of the ancient era overcome time and space to accurately draw the image and style of the character - a woman of another ethnic group for thousands of years?

Do they really have the ability to imagine passing time and space like that?

People often say, art originates from life, is a true reflection of life. Art is an art industry, of course it can't be different. Thinking of primitive people who lived 7,000 years ago, we will think about how to dress their clothes with leaves and animal skins, but we can't think that they will wear makeup like fashionable girls in tight pants. , boots and boots, jewels on glitter. Is that true thing not a miracle?