The myth of the Egyptian goddess blinded the eyes of the trespassers

The Meretseger is the famous Egyptian goddess mentioned much in the myths and legends of ancient people. This god will blind his eyes or spray venom into anyone who dares to encroach on tombs in the Valley of the Kings.

Picture 1 of The myth of the Egyptian goddess blinded the eyes of the trespassers
Meretseger Egyptian goddess.

The Egyptian goddess Meretseger (also known as Mertseger, Merseger, Mereseger) of ancient people is depicted as a woman with a snake head. This god was in charge of protection - the resting place of the pharaohs, the Queen of Egypt and the royal members. The Meretseger also protects workers who build royal tombs.

For the ancient Egyptians, the goddess Meretseger was both benevolent and scary. The reason is that the goddess Meretseger will heal the workers when building royal tombs. At the same time, the goddess Meretseger will blind her eyes or spray snake venom into anyone who dares invade the tombs.

The goddess Meretseger will forgive and heal grave thieves if they show repentance and repentance and promise to atone for the mistake. Therefore, ancient Egyptians worshiped the snake goddess Meretseger. Some of these powerful temples were built in many places, most commonly in Thebes and Deir el Medina. When the Kings Valley area was abandoned in the 21st Dynasty, the Meretseger god worship was no longer performed.