The oldest feathers of dinosaurs appear on rocks

Scientists recently claimed to have found the fossil of a feather dinosaur dating back 160 million years, the world's oldest.

Picture 1 of The oldest feathers of dinosaurs appear on rocks
Aurornis fossils are found in Northeast China - (Photo: Daily Mail)

Picture 2 of The oldest feathers of dinosaurs appear on rocks
Aurornis is the size of a chicken - (Photo: Daily Mail)

Picture 3 of The oldest feathers of dinosaurs appear on rocks
Aurornis dates back 160 million years - Photo: Daily Mail

This species is named  Aurornis , discovered in Liaoning Province, northeastern China. It is 50cm long, is about the size of a chicken, has small triangular teeth and is covered from head to toe under its original coat.

Some scientists believe it is the earliest representative of birds present on Earth. However, other scientists say it belongs to bird - like dinosaurs - feathered dinosaurs like birds but do not fly.

There is still a lot of debate around this discovery, but scientists say it will help scientists get a new perspective on bird evolution.

Before Aurornis was discovered, the oldest feather dinosaur record belonged to Archeopteryx , dating back 150 million years ago.