The pen detects cancer for 10 seconds

The MasSpec Pen invented by American scientists can identify cancer cells in 10 seconds and support the surgical process.

Scientists from the University of Texas (USA) have invented a tool to detect cancer tissue in just 10 seconds. According to CNBC, the product called MasSpec Pen accelerates the testing process up to 150 times, thereby helping to remove the tumor more accurately. Tests on 253 breast cancer patients, lung cancer, thyroid cancer and ovarian cancer showed that the pen was 96% effective.

Picture 1 of The pen detects cancer for 10 seconds
The MasSpec Pen can detect cancer for 10 seconds.(Photo: Texas University).

Explaining how the MasSpec Pen works, the authors say each type of cancer has its own molecular structure such as "fingerprint". When placed in suspicious cancer tissue, the MasSpec Pen will release a drop of water to absorb the molecule and then transfer the droplet to the analyzer to see if the cancer exists.

Complete the test, the words "normal" or "cancer" automatically appear on the computer screen. For common types of cancer such as lung cancer, the name of the disease will also be given.

"We want to help patients get more thorough, faster and safer surgery," said James Suliburk from Baylor Medical University, a partner of the project. "This technique meets all three criteria. It allows us to identify the tissues to be removed and the tissues to be retained."

MasSpec Pen is waiting for approval to be marketed.