Detects aging-causing substances in cancer cells

The latest study by scientists from Hiroshima University (Japan) found that small RNA in cells and blood can promote breast cancer and aging cervical cancer, thereby causing Inhibits the growth and movement of cancer cells.

Picture 1 of Detects aging-causing substances in cancer cells Small RNA is thought to be related to cell growth and differentiation.

Scientists discovered that, along with normal cells no longer separating and aging, it would increase some types of small RNA.

However, in non-aging cancer cells, there is a small type of RNA called " miR22" that is reduced.

After introducing "miR22" into breast and cervical cancer cells, scientists found that cancer cells appear aging, and the growth of cancer cells is also inhibited. Experimental results on mice also showed such results.

The results are published in the latest issue of the American Journal of Cell Biology .