The phenomenon of 'seeing heaven' through the words of the dead goes back to life

Many people believe that after death humans will go to hell or go to heaven. But is there a paradise or a real hell? If so, how does life after death take place?

No one has given the correct answer but there are many people who have experienced near-death status and see heaven. Let's see what they see in the land called this paradise!

Picture 1 of The phenomenon of 'seeing heaven' through the words of the dead goes back to life
Paradise in human imagination

Stories recalled through witnesses of witnesses .

The first story revolves around an American orthopedic surgeon named Mary Neal. On January 14, 1999, Mary joined her husband and several fellow boatmen in the Los Rios area, Chile.

Picture 2 of The phenomenon of 'seeing heaven' through the words of the dead goes back to life
Portrait of Dr. Mary Neal

An unexpected accident happened to Mary when she and her friend rowed near a waterfall about 4m high. Mary suddenly had a hunch that something was wrong. Looking down at the falls, what she saw was a bottomless deep vortex . Immediately, the front of her boat struck the rock, causing Mary to sink into the water and get stuck in the boat's body.

Everything happened so fast. Friends and relatives shouted, searching for her. At that time, Mary felt her ribs break, tissue and ligaments torn inside her body. To her, it seems that death has come very close.

Mary told herself not to be desperate. Suddenly, in front of her appeared a brilliant aura with the archway. For a moment, Mary was her dead relatives and friends. They said that she could not die because of things she had not completed, one of which Mary would have to witness the death of her son Willie.

Picture 3 of The phenomenon of 'seeing heaven' through the words of the dead goes back to life
Mary is telling her story

Surprisingly, despite being in the water for 30 minutes with no oxygen, Mary survived and was found by everyone. She suffered a serious injury but only a few months later, her health completely recovered.The premonition of the death of his son Willie later inspired. After going skiing with his friend, Willie suddenly died in an accident when he was 19 years old.

The second story happened to girl Anita Moorjani - a desperate cancer patient . Her illness was so severe that the therapist thought that Anita could not live more than 36 hours by February 2, 2006.

Anita fell into a deep coma even though her heart was still beating. In that moment, somehow I still heard the story the doctor told my husband. Later, Anita fell into a state she recounted as "floating between life and death". Suddenly, around her father, who died of heart failure, her friend died of cancer and many deceased relatives .

Picture 4 of The phenomenon of 'seeing heaven' through the words of the dead goes back to life
Anita - who is lucky to survive cancer

Anita then told herself, I would die because she did not want to return to a body full of illness. However, at that moment, something caught her back to life. 30 hours after admission, Anita woke up. A few weeks later, the doctors did not find any evidence of cancer in her body. So far, Anita still lives as healthy as a normal person.

Controversial scientific hypothesis .

With true stories reminiscent of the above living witnesses, many believe that paradise is real and people in some cases can experience that magical moment.

Picture 5 of The phenomenon of 'seeing heaven' through the words of the dead goes back to life
Is heaven real?

Eben Alexande neurosurgeon r is one of them. He is also one of those who directly experienced the moment of paradise like Mary and Anita.

The story happened when Eben thought it was close to death because of the infection with E. coli causing meningitis. Eben coma a week and brain scan results show, his memory, consciousness, thoughts completely inactive.

Picture 6 of The phenomenon of 'seeing heaven' through the words of the dead goes back to life
Neurosurgeon Eben Alexander tells his story

But Eben still experiences the same feeling as the two cases above. According to what he tells, what happens is very real and it happens independently, outside of one's own consciousness. Eben argues that, at the time of his coma, parts of the brain are no longer active.

That means that his heavenly experience cannot be caused by mental stress or hallucinations as many people claim.

He abandoned Eben Alexander's argument, many experts said, it is impossible to consider these experiences as proof that heaven exists. The reason is because according to Eben, his brain does not work when the experience takes place.

But if the brain does not work, why can Eben sense what is happening around him, as well as remember the story to tell later.

Picture 7 of The phenomenon of 'seeing heaven' through the words of the dead goes back to life
Is illusion a cause of people seeing heaven?

In addition, the inactive memory or impaired ability can also cause hallucinations, such as in the case of Parkinson's patients. Therefore, we cannot rule out the possibility that hallucinations are the cause of heaven's experience.

Although many theories have been proposed, so far, there is no scientific evidence to prove whether heaven is real or not. So according to you, does heaven really exist?