Dead and alive again - The phenomenon of wonder and explanation

Thinking that they were dead, the family held a funeral, friends cried, mourned and they lived up .

From living witnesses .

1. Brother Rob Waggett

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Brother Rob and his family.

Rob Waggett, 31, stopped breathing after suffering a heart attack. At that time, his wife - Diana thought he could no longer wake up. However, a miracle came to Rob. Thanks to the relentless help of the doctors, after 18 minutes of breathing, Mr. Rob returned to his breathing. The doctors said that the time to survive after stopping breathing for a maximum of 4 minutes and Mr. Rob's case was a "miracle". Diana said: "I said goodbye and I love him so much, I saw him die in my hands. I can't believe he was alive."

2. Baby Alfie Green

With congenital heart disease, Alfie Green has died 3 times when he was only 3 weeks old. After the first heart attack, Alfie's heart stopped beating for 17 minutes and then bounced back. For the second time, the heart stopped beating for 10 minutes and the third stroke stopped for 3 minutes. However, little Alfie still escaped the scythe of death.

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Family of baby Alfie.

Alfie's mother, Stacey Green, 24, said: "I never knew that such a small person had a heart attack, while this is a 3-week-old baby. When Alfie's little heart stopped beating in one. For a long time, we thought we had lost our baby, however, Alfie was a great warrior when he passed his death. When Alfie's heart beat again, I cried for happiness. " When born in September 2010, Alfie weighs 2.7kg. When Alfie was 3 weeks old, Stacey Green and her husband Leonard Bratt, 25, took their children to shop near their home when they discovered that they stopped breathing. Although the family is very concerned about the baby may be severely hurt on the brain and must breathe artificially . but then the baby Alfie has completely recovered.

3. Ms. Maria das Dores da Conceicao

Maria das Dores da Conceicao, 88, of Brazil, was taken to hospital due to arterial occlusion. Doctors at the hospital said that Maria died and people were transferred to the coffin to wait for the burial day.

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Ms. Maria das Dores da Conceicao.

2 days later, the house staff found that her coffin had something unusual. Near the coffin, they found her trying to escape the coffin and she still looked healthy. From the morgue, Maria looked more energetic than ever. Her daughter is wondering whether to sue this hospital or not.

4. Baby Lillie-Mai Jackson

Little Lillie-Mai Jackson, living in Maryport (England) was born not as lucky as other children. When only 14 weeks old, the baby was infected with a dangerous virus, affecting the brain. Not only that, the disease also causes Lillie's one-handed and two-legged necrosis. Two days after getting sick, the baby has a heart attack and stroke. The doctors at Cumberland Hospital said that most children have about 75% chance of surviving the infection but Lillie is so small that she has only 2% chance.

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Lillie baby before and after getting a strange disease.

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Baby Lillie with her beloved family.

Later, her parents, Belinda Little, 22, and Rupert Jackson, 31, took her to the Royal Victoria Hospital in Newcastle. Here, doctors used a lot of drugs as well as advanced machines to treat Lillie's baby. Two days after the hospital transfer, Lillie died clinically. However, after a few hours, he suddenly breathed and moved abnormally. Doctors think it is a miracle when the baby is resurrected and healthy.

5. Ms. Lydia Paillard

Miss Lydia Paillard was unlucky to have cancer. During a visit to a hospital in Bordeaux, southwestern France for chemotherapy, Lydia fell into a coma after taking medicine. Then the doctors declared that she was . dead.

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Miss Lydia and her husband and son.

But miraculously, after 14 hours of silence, Lydia suddenly rose again. Yves Noel - director of Polyclinic Bordeaux Nord Hospital said that Lydia may have had seizures, leading to "fake" death .

. to scientific explanation

The research has confirmed that the death phenomenon is 100% real. Even the statistics show that for every 100,000 deaths, one person is said to be alive again.

However, this phenomenon is still one of the mysteries of science and is being studied for a long time. The strange thing is, most people after resurrection can tell clearly about the illusions they have seen, which may be the light at the end of a narrow path, a creature that radiates light the ability to chat, a deceased relative standing by, calling them on the other side . Some people even recounted what people did during their "sleep". In some cases that have been buried, people have also found scratches inside the coffin when reburied, then the phenomenon of human bones lies in irregular shape even when placed very neatly. This proves that many people, even when buried deep in the land, still revive.

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Those who "die back to life" mainly fall into the case of clinical death.

Explaining this phenomenon, medicine thinks that there are two basic forms of death: clinical death and true death. In particular, "dead and alive" people mainly fall into clinical death cases. At that time, people in the clinical state stopped breathing but brain activity remained, synonymous with electroencephalogram still recognizing specific waves of life.

Explaining the revival said that the other world was seen, science said that the reason for this strange experience was the way of processing information of the brain . What we are seeing in reality is the synthesis of the information that the receptors of the body receive. When receiving these information, the brain will "translate" them and then tell them where we are, what we are seeing . Studies also indicate, in fact, what is called The "soul" of the dead is the bioelectric current in the body. When observed under laser light, they are small, bright dust, escaping from the body.