Labor is too fast, giraffe gives birth right in front of tourists

Visitors to the Milwaukee County Zoo have the rare opportunity to witness giraffes giving birth right in front of their eyes because of the rare occurrence.

Picture 1 of Labor is too fast, giraffe gives birth right in front of tourists
Newborn baby giraffe in the zoo right in front of visitors.

Because the mother giraffe's labor happened faster than expected when the zoo was not ready to put her in a private room, many visitors witnessed the entire birth process outdoors.

This is the first time a giraffe in the zoo has had such an easy birth, all outdoors since the 1990s.

The newborn baby giraffe is a male individual. After the baby giraffe was born, the mother giraffe named Ziggy quickly returned to take care of and cuddle her baby. In a short time, about 45 minutes after birth, the baby giraffe can stand up on its own.

A giraffe is usually pregnant for 400-600 days, about 15 months. Usually, this animal gives birth to only one young. The mother giraffe stands while giving birth, so the baby often falls to the ground from a height of about two meters. About 30 to 50 minutes after birth, baby giraffes can begin to stand on their own and take their first clumsy steps with lots of slips and falls.

According to the manager of the Milwaukee County Zoo, giraffes often give birth in the infirmary, under the personal care of monitoring staff. But Ziggy's labor progressed so quickly that the zookeepers didn't have time to move her into the room.

Baby giraffe weighs about 31kg. "Newly born giraffes are quite agile, strong and show curiosity about their surroundings," zoo staff shared.

The newborn baby's father is a giraffe named Bahatika, commonly known as Baha. This is the second time Baha has combined with female giraffes to breed. It was previously associated with a female giraffe named Marlee.