How to scratch the weird nose of giraffes that few people know

Be sure when asked, 99% of people do not know what kind of nose picks with what tool. Knowing you will scream out in surprise!

Whenever the ear is itchy, it is obvious that we will immediately use our finger to pick it and satisfy it. But if animals accidentally prick their nose, how do they do?

For example, giraffes have a height of more than 6 meters, weighs 1.3 tons, every time they have a itchy nose, they can't raise their tiny legs to scratch.

So this guy who looks like this will have to rely on the help of another department - that's the tongue .

Picture 1 of How to scratch the weird nose of giraffes that few people know
Whenever the nose is itchy, how can they raise their tiny legs to scratch?

Or to put it more simply, the giraffe's tongue not only has the effect of "tasting" food, but it also has the task - to tug at the ear, to pick the nose again.

Few people can suspect that the giraffe's tongue is dark green and nearly 50cm long. Their tongue color is so dark as to protect the tongue from sunburn under the influence of sunlight.

Just imagine, with the frequency of sticking out your tongue to eat for hours every day, under the sun and the ultraviolet rays of the Sun, which tongue will suffice.

But the most special and 1-0-2 use of this tongue is that the deer uses the tongue instead of the hand grip function.

Picture 2 of How to scratch the weird nose of giraffes that few people know
Giraffes will use their tongues to pick their nose when itching.

The giraffes tongue can also pluck the leaves on the high branches, also clean the ears, pick the nose too.

The tip of the tongue is quite small and the length is too long to help the deer snuggle into the lair, on the face to get rid of stray insects or "scratch it" every time they tickle their ears and ears.

It is known that the giraffe's tongue structure is similar to a snake's tongue - especially useful when taking food. They just need to lick around the foliage with their tongues, yank and pull the leaves into their mouths.

Picture 3 of How to scratch the weird nose of giraffes that few people know
The structure of the giraffes' tongue is similar to a snake's tongue - especially useful when taking food.

Along with the large upper lip of the deer also perform the same function as the arm - combined with the tongue - it is like a food grip when eating.

The lips, covered with a finger-like layer of papillae to protect them from thorns or wounds.

Now the giraffe's " saliva " glands will do the rest - helping digest the leaves that reach the mouth of the deer.

This amount of saliva is also extremely sticky, they will create a wrap around the thorny food to help them slip down the deer esophagus without harming him at all.