The placenta test helps detect autism risk

The newborn placenta test of newborns can detect the risk of autism and early treatment to improve the quality of life of children, according to the Daily Mail on April 26.

That is the finding of a group of scientists at Yale University and the University of California (USA).

They tested 117 placental samples of infants at risk of autism, such as those with one or more children with the disease.

Picture 1 of The placenta test helps detect autism risk
Early autism risk can be diagnosed in children - (Photo: Shutterstock)

The placenta samples were then compared to 100 placental samples.

They found that placental samples of children at risk of autism have 15 trophoblast inclusion, while no control sample has more than 2 incubated leaves, according to the study. published in Biological Psychiatry.

According to Dr. Harvey Kliman, the head of the study, the placenta has 4 bodies buried in embryos or more, the risk of autism is 97%.

The team hopes that the results will help early detection of autism risk and prompt treatment to improve children's quality of life.