The prophet 'fell asleep' and the predictions came true

Edgar Cayce accurately predicted the deaths of President Franklin D. Roosevelt and President John F Kennedy.

The prophecies have come true by Edgar Cayce

  1. 1. World War II
  2. 2. The stock market crashed in 1929
  3. 3. Adolf Hitler came to power in Germany
  4. 4. The fall of the Soviet Union
  5. 5. Death of President John F. Kennedy and President Franklin D. Roosevelt
  6. 6. The Jews returned to Israel
  7. 7. Self death

Edgar Cayce (1877 - 1945) was named the most famous 'sleeping prophet' of the twentieth century from America. Not only did he make very accurate predictions about the future, Cayce also had the miraculous healing power. His examinations unravel very strange mysteries about human fate, such as the reincarnation life and the internal laws hidden within it.

Throughout his life, the prophet Edgar Cayce made nearly 15,000 prophecies while sleeping. In those predictions, he also mentioned reincarnation, past lives, and he asserted that the problems that everyone encountered were caused by previous karma.

Today, the stenographs that record his prophecies are still well kept. In it, Edgar Cayce prophesied about the future direction of civilization occupying only a very small part, but interesting for many people, although there are still contents so far unable to completely decipher. .

Picture 1 of The prophet 'fell asleep' and the predictions came true
Edgar Cayce (1877 - 1945).

On June 20, 1943, Edgar Cayce made a prediction of the beginning and end of World War 2. Five days after the prophecy, the Nazi army and the Russian army clashed. in the largest armored battle of the time.

1. World War II

Picture 2 of The prophet 'fell asleep' and the predictions came true
World War II broke out.

2. The stock market crashed in 1929

By the late 1920s, the US stock market kept rising and the stock could turn people into a billionaire overnight. But since 1924, Edgar Cayce predicted that the stock market would collapse in 1929. He even provided a list of industries that would grow taller, or which codes would be a long-term investment target. least volatile.

3. Adolf Hitler came to power in Germany

In January 1934, Cayce said that Hitler would increase his strength to rule Germany. In August 1935, he predicted that Hitler would remain in power until he was "completely defeated by an outside war".

4. The fall of the Soviet Union

Edgar Cayce also predicted the collapse of the Soviet Union as follows: "Through Russia there is hope. There is no interest in Bolshevikism. Freedom will come. Each one will live in love again." You will be born here. It will take years for crystallization to return. " Indeed, the Soviet Union collapsed in 1991 as prophesied by the "sleeping prophet".

5. Death of President John F. Kennedy and President Franklin D. Roosevelt

Specifically, in 1939, Edgar Cayce predicted that two US presidents would die while serving. His prediction came true when President Franklin D. Roosevelt died in his office in 1945 and President John F. Kennedy was assassinated in Dallas, Texas in November 1963.

6. The Jews returned to Israel

In 1932, Cayce predicted that the Jews would return to Israel and resist hostile forces to fulfill Bible prophecies. The nation of Israel was later re-established in May 1948 and was followed by wars with Arab countries around it.

7. Self death

Picture 3 of The prophet 'fell asleep' and the predictions came true
Edgar Cayce predicted he was leaving by a stroke on January 3, 1945.

On January 1, 1945, Edgar Cayce predicted he would be buried in 4 days. And he passed away by a stroke on January 3, 1945, he was buried in Hopkinsville, Kentucky, where he was born.

In addition, Edgar Cayce also made predictions about Hitler, some periods of Japan, China, the alliance between the United States and Russia as well as anticipation.

  1. The prophet Vanga and predictions of disasters
  2. The world famous prophet
  3. Review the terrifying true prophecies of the prophet Nostradamus