The prospect of reviving mammoths

One day, the ' descendant ' of mammoth mammoth mammoth mammoths will probably reappear on Earth. Japanese scientists are aiming to use sperm of extinct frozen animals that have been frozen for thousands of years to fertilize their current relatives.

Picture 1 of The prospect of reviving mammoths

Ancient mammoth skeleton on display at Pratt Natural History Museum (USA).(Photo:

Normally, sperm is taken from sperm banks, but the Biotechnology Center Riken uses sperm from frozen mice and frozen mouse organs.

Dr. Atsuo Ogura, the leader of the study, said that by experiment, the success rate of fertilizing sperm by frozen mice for about 15 years is higher than expected. Therefore, the ability to resurrect mammoths will be very high.

In the future, elephants will be a potential candidate to be fertilized with frozen sperm of mammoths unearthed from the permafrost of Sibre in Russia. Dr. Atsuo Ogura also said the method will be tested with extinct cats and larger animals.