Restoring mammoths from corpses

Scientists who have pioneered the Dolly cloned sheep have just planned to use frozen cells from mammoth corpses to revive ancient monsters.

>>>Display of mammoth mammoth 39,000 years old

According to the project, scientists will use stem cells to revive ancient animals like Dolly sheep in 1996. Experts say creating a giant species from cloning techniques Cloning is very difficult, but modern technology with original tissue cell conversion technology can be successful.

Picture 1 of Restoring mammoths from corpses
Yuka mammoth remains preserved almost intact over tens of thousands of years of history.(Photo: Reuters)

The prospect of recreating ancient animals was noticed by the scientific community when they discovered the almost intact mammoth corpse beneath the permafrost of Siberia. It is expected that the researchers will extract the stem cells from the mammoth corpse to collect DNA to recreate the ancient species. However, this technique requires cells to be healthy despite spending thousands of years under snow and ice.

At the beginning of the month, the corpse of the mammoth named Yuka was displayed in Yokohama, Japan after people transported them from Siberia. This little mammoth lived about 39,000 years ago. It is so well preserved that it still has a fawn coat, muscles and soft tissue on the body.

According to Sir Ian Wilmut, a stem cell scientist, the reconstruction of prehistoric beasts from mammoths is an idea that can become a reality, but this faces many difficulties from challenges. technical knowledge. The most pressing issue is preserving the mammoth giant cells that are intact after being taken from the permafrost.

Mammoths are a large species that once reigned on Earth tens of thousands of years ago, mainly in North America and Eurasia. This species is extinct due to the effects of environmental changes.