The quietest place in the globe

The most tranquil place of the Earth has been discovered. It was not an isolated island or a remote valley, but the tip of a wide Antarctic ice field. Scientists call that point Ridge A, at the top of the Antarctic plateau.

The atmosphere here is so quiet that when looking at the stars, it doesn't flicker because of the disturbance of the atmosphere distorting their rays.

Picture 1 of The quietest place in the globe

Ridge A, a large ice plateau, is the perfect place to place a telescope. Photo: AP

There are few clouds here, rarely wind and no snow. The air is drier than air in the Sahara desert 100 times and the average winter temperature is -70 o C, turning Ridge A into the driest and coldest place in the world. Although Antarctica is famous for snow storms, storms tend to narrow in mainland valleys and coastlines because cold air runs down from high ice sheets like water flowing down a mountain. .

A group of Australian and American scientists studied data from satellites, underground meteorological stations and computerized climate models to find the ideal place to install a telescope to observe space without weather affected. Scientists have found Ridge A is the least cloudy place in the world, no greenhouse effect and the air tends to dry because it is very cold.