The rainbow is brilliant in the German sky created by aircraft

The Qatar Airlines airline has created a rainbow-colored cloud from its wings, flying over the sky of Bamberg, Germany.

German photographer Nick Beyersdorf (20), recorded this rare scene when he stood in the back garden with his mother. At this time, the plane was flying at an altitude of about 8,000 meters above the ground.

Picture 1 of The rainbow is brilliant in the German sky created by aircraft
Beyersdorf recorded a beautiful image in the sky of Germany.

Beyersdorf said: "This is the best picture I have taken this year and I think there will be no photo to beat it. The moment is great. Due to the weather conditions, it creates a multicolored border. , starting from the wing to create a rainbow effect ".

Beyersdorf is also experienced in aerial photography, but he said he was "overwhelmed and speechless" after taking a rainbow photo from the aforementioned airplane wing.

According to the scientific principle, when the plane moves at high speed in the sky, a long trail of smoke will be generated from the wings due to the exhaust of the aircraft. Meeting high temperatures, smoke will condense in the form of steam.

When sunlight shines through, it creates a spectral phenomenon and creates a rainbow effect in the air. This colorful cloud is the phenomenon of diffraction caused by small droplets of water, scattering light to create a rainbow.

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