'The rebel' goes against the whole solar system

The object with a diameter of nearly 200 km named Niku (Rebel) moves in the opposite direction to other celestial bodies in the solar system.

The international team published details about Niku (meaning "rebellion" in Chinese), the mysterious celestial body near Neptune, moving in the opposite direction with almost all other planets in the solar system. , in the astronomical conference that took place in Pasadena, California, USA on October 17, according to Nature World News.

Scientists discovered Niku in August this year using the Pan-STARRS telescope. Niku is a celestial object with a diameter of nearly 200 km and 160,000 times less bright than Neptune. It follows orbits on a plane inclined 110 degrees above the plane of the rest of the solar system. Most objects outside Neptune lie in orbit less inclined.

Picture 1 of 'The rebel' goes against the whole solar system
The object outside of Neptune is called Niku, which goes back to normal orbit.(Artwork: Caltech).

Scientists cannot explain the reason why it turns against normal orbits . Some argue that the gravitational pull of a large object affects the unusual orbits of Niku. However, the hypotheses are not convincing enough.

In addition, scientists also discovered a cluster of five similar objects orbiting like Niku.

"They do not appear randomly in the sky but seem to be arranged , " Mathew Payne, from the Harvard-Smithsonian Astronomical Center, Cambridge, USA, co-author of the study, answered Space.

According to Konstantin Batygin and Michael Brown, two astrophysicists at the California Institute of Technology, USA, the cluster of six objects can be scattered away from the rest of the solar system by the gravity of the "second planet." 9 " , a planet is about 10 times bigger than the Earth and can be located 500 times more than the distance from the Earth to the Sun.

Another theory is that the origin of this cluster is due to "galactic tide". As the Sun orbits around the center of the Milky Way, it moves up and down the galaxy's disk and creates a "galactic tide" , causing many disturbing effects and possibly causing some celestial bodies reverse.