The head of NASA has made a shocking statement that a familiar and mysterious object at the edge of the Solar System is a true planet.

Observers have not seen the Ninth Planet directly. However, the Goblin dwarf planet seems to be influenced by the gravity of the unidentified giant.

The Solar System's ninth planet can be reborn and dragged along with over 100 other friends, thanks to a new definition that refutes the definition.

In the new study, the researchers suggest that the behavior of the Trans-Neptunian astronomical object may be due to the gravity of the ninth planet.

Gill Broussard, an astronomer, declared that it was only a matter of time. The giant planet Nibiru or also known as Planet X will appear.

According to the Daily Star, those who believe in conspiracy theory and scientists once mentioned a mysterious X planet, located three or four times the distance from the Sun to

Since the discovery of Pluto in 1930, school-age children will learn about nine planets in our solar system.

After the search process, the online community has strongly contributed to the program to find an undiscovered planet in our Solar System and nominated 4 candidates.

The object with a diameter of nearly 200 km named Niku (Rebel) moves in the opposite direction to other celestial bodies in the solar system.

Scientists are suggesting that besides X - the 9th planet, our solar system has more planets Y, Z and even more.