The speed of rapid killing of piranha predatory fish

Talking about hunting, rare fishermen can catch fish effectively like the big otter. When there are too many mouths to take care of, the otter family will use any opportunity to hunt for food.

An adult otter needs 4kg of fish per day. In this water, the most famous fish is at the top of the menu is piranha .

Picture 1 of The speed of rapid killing of piranha predatory fish
Piranhas are extremely aggressive species.

Piranhas live a lot in the lake. Diablo otter and allies seem to love this dish. They make me wonder, how can they teach their children to catch piranhas without being bitten by those razor-sharp teeth?

Cinematographer Charlie Hamilton-James decided to test how fierce piranhas were by attaching a piece of meat to an underwater camera. Through the underwater camera connected to the screen on the boat, Charlie could observe the turbid water below.

The sharp sense of smell helps piranhas find the piece of meat right away. However, what surprised Charlie was how aggressive they were when they tore the meat.

Less than 30 seconds , the piece of meat disappeared. Baby otters will have to move at a very fast speed so that they will not be bitten. It is a skill that forces them to learn.