The story of the most perfect but useless bridge in the world

It's the Puente Sol Naciente (Bridge of the Rising Sun), in Choluteca, Honduras. It has no way to, nor way to go, it is located next to the river that we need to cross.

The Choluteca River region of Honduras (a country in Central America) is often affected by natural disasters such as thunderstorms and tornadoes. Therefore, the government here wants to invest in building a new bridge across the Choluteca River. The requirement is that the bridge can withstand harsh weather conditions.

Picture 1 of The story of the most perfect but useless bridge in the world
Puente Sol Naciente Bridge - the most useless bridge in the world.

In 1996, the Puente Sol Naciente bridge was started construction in 1996 by a Japanese company. The bridge is expected to be sturdy and able to withstand the adverse effects of nature. The Puente Sol Naciente bridge inaugurated in 1998 is truly a technological wonder. It is considered the most modern in both engineering and design. Puente Sol Naciente Bridge was the pride of the Choluteca river at that time.

Although there was not a single technical fault of the engineer, all was perfect, but suddenly this most modern, largest, proudest bridge became the most useless in the world when a storm hit right away. why a few months.

Specifically, in October 1998, the second largest hurricane from the Atlantic - Hurricane Mitch - made landfall in Honduras. The storm was so strong that it caused a sudden increase in rainfall in this area, up to about 1,905mm and lasting for 4 days, equal to the amount of water the Choluteca River received in 6 months. Most of the bridges in Choluteca are damaged, only the Puente Sol Naciente bridge is still standing.

The high water of the Choluteca River flooded the entire area and changed the river's flow, causing it to flow in a different direction, next to the bridge. Since then the bridge is isolated, there is no way to, no way, can't cross the river to be north, the bridge doesn't go anywhere.

Thus, not long in operation, a most modern bridge at that time has become "the most useless bridge in the world" . Since then, the bridge seems to be isolated, with no way to or from, and does not cross the river to be north. Although connected to a highway in 2003, the Choluteca bridge still doesn't lead anywhere.

The story of the Puente Sol Naciente bridge then became a great metaphor for the constant change of life and the need for people to change to adapt. What is true today may not be correct tomorrow. Be prepared to adapt to any difficulties, otherwise you will be like the Choluteca bridge, magnificent, magnificent but "useless".
