The strongest acid in the world: 10 million billion times more than 100% concentrated sulfuric acid

Metal corrosion, strong acidity in all types of acids, so how can people store this compound safely?

When it comes to acids, you will immediately think of dangerous solutions that can corrode metal, destroying skin or clothing. But have you ever wondered what kind of acid is the strongest in the world?

Acids are substances with a pH less than 7 when dissolved in water

In chemistry, we define acids as chemical compounds that are soluble in water and have a sour taste, often expressed as HxAy general formulas.

Contrary to basalt, acid solution has a pH less than 7 when dissolved in water and each type of acid has a specific pH index that indicates their strength and strength, the smaller the pH index, the stronger the acidity and vice versa .

Picture 1 of The strongest acid in the world: 10 million billion times more than 100% concentrated sulfuric acid
Common types of solutions and their pH.(Photo: Flick).

So which acid is the strongest?

As mentioned above, each acid will have a specific pH index or in other words, evaluate the strength of the acid based on the pH scale. The lower the acid has the pH index, the stronger the acid, the lower the pH means that the acidity will increase 10 times!

Example: Lemon juice has a pH of 2, and our stomach acid has a pH of 1 meaning our stomach acid is 10 times stronger than a cup of lemonade.

But the pH scale is only limited to zero, so to measure strong acids (with a pH lower than 0), we need to add the Hammett (hammett acidity function) acid scale .

In fact, acid has the smallest pH that humans know until this time with a negative index of 31.3 ie Fluoroantimonic acid has the chemical formula H 2 FSbF 6 . Chemists also call it " super acid" because of its strong acidity and no acidity.

We all know the familiar strong inorganic acid H axitSO₄ - sulfuric acid , an acid that can corrode many metals such as iron and aluminum even when diluted and will be very dangerous in concentrated form.

Picture 2 of The strongest acid in the world: 10 million billion times more than 100% concentrated sulfuric acid
Sulfuric acid is also nothing compared to!(Photo: Periodic Videos).

Then, to dilute this solution, you need to equip a shirt, face protection sheet, gloves and PVC apron and slowly add acid to the water, stirring, absolutely not to do the opposite or it will be very dangerous. dangerous.

This is the kind of acid that you will hardly find any kind of acid in nature that is more acidic than it. But if compared with the world's most powerful acid, this acid . doesn't penetrate because:

Fluoroantimonic acid is 10 times stronger than 16 (10 million billion) times, 100% sulfuric acid!

Picture 3 of The strongest acid in the world: 10 million billion times more than 100% concentrated sulfuric acid
To contain this type of acid, one uses a polytetrafluoroethylene PTFE synthetic polymer .(Photo: Photo Credit: Game Freak / Youtube).

In addition, super acids can destroy almost all organic compounds or even containers, so they cannot be stored in bottles like other acids.

One has to use a synthetic polymer Polytetrafluoroethylene PTFE, also briefly named Teflon, to accommodate it.