How to give emergency first aid to people suffering from acid burns

The nature of acid-induced burns is the phenomenon of a highly reactive acid reaction with organic substances on the human body. Typically, there are 3 types of strong inorganic acids that often cause burns: sulfuric acid (H 2 SO 4 ), nitric acid (HNO 3 ) and hydrochloric acid (HCl). These are strong oxidizing acids, especially in concentrated concentrations, which will cause rapid burns and injuries if exposed directly to them through the skin.

According to experts, due to strong oxidizing properties, when acting on the body, acid destroys tissue structure such as skin, fat, tendons, muscles . causing necrosis from outside to follow the mechanism of muscle protein freezing. can. Therefore, need to know how to first aid burning acid properly, promptly and promptly.

First aid for people with acid burns

Depending on the type of acid as well as the acid burn in different contact locations, can be divided into several levels of burn.

But no matter what level of burns they cause, they are harmful to health and leave a lifelong sequela for the victim. The first important thing is to eliminate the cause of the burn, then depending on the location of the burn for first aid.

Acid sticks to the eyes

Picture 1 of How to give emergency first aid to people suffering from acid burns
For first aid for acid burns, the first thing is to remove the source of burns, then depending on the location of burns to give first aid.

In case the acid gets into the eyes, the patient should keep calm to avoid the pain of rubbing his eyes . This is very dangerous, causing the acid to spread and damage the more dangerous areas of the cornea to the eyes.

The first thing is to clean your eyes with water. Please bow your head under the faucet and tilt to the side. Then try to open the eyes with acid burns while gently flowing water. Allow clean water to flow from the tap for at least 20 minutes. A warm shower can be sprayed on the forehead to allow water to flow over the affected eye, or direct the nozzle to the bridge of the nose between the eyes if both eyes are covered with chemicals.

Acid sticks to the skin

Just as with acid getting into the eyes, the first thing is to wash away the acid from the skin . Wash chemicals off the skin surface under cold water for 15 minutes or more. Immediately remove clothing or jewelry that has been adhered to. Be careful not to undress the person who has been burned because it is very easy to cause skin peeling, causing pain to the victim. When contact memory is not contacted by hand.

Picture 2 of How to give emergency first aid to people suffering from acid burns

First aid for acid burns makes the victim very painful, so even the first aid provider should be especially careful. After washing, use a dry, sterile gauze bandage or clean clothes to cover the burn. Also call an ambulance or take the patient to the nearest medical facility for emergency care and treatment.

Things to avoid when giving first aid

When giving first aid, do not try to take off the part of clothing that has been covered by a severe burn . Because it hurts, peels off the skin and increases the risk of wound infection. A mistake many people make is to use ice on the wound. This not only hurts the skin but also causes double burns.

Also, absolutely do not soak the wound in water. Acid-induced wounds are very susceptible to infection, so cleaning the wound should be done under the tap, not soaked in water directly.