Treatment for cold burns

Cold burns are a special case of burns, though not very rare but very uncommon. Cold burns are similar to other types of burns that have many potential dangers such as edema leading to cell damage, necrotic lesions especially in cold burns for too long without first aid treating people The disease can lead to seizures, lower body temperature, which leads to even more disturbing consciousness.

What are the levels of cold burn?

Picture 1 of Treatment for cold burns
People with cold burns level 2.

Like other burns, cold burns are divided into different levels ranging from mild to severe:

Level 1: This is the mildest level, people with burns of the lesion will have itching and pain symptoms, the damaged skin may turn red or yellow and lose the temporary feeling. This is the lightest level so there is almost no danger of burns and the level of recovery is very fast right after first aid.

Level 2: At this level, the area of ​​the lesion will freeze, only to damage the outer layers that have not affected the deep tissues, so it is still soft. At this level cold skin can appear blisters, skin color becomes black and hard, this level of damage can be removed after 1 month or loss of feeling of hot and cold areas.

Level 3.4: This is the most dangerous level and easily leads to necrosis . Injuries at these levels are total damage, deep tissue, muscle, blood, tendons, nerve cells are frozen or die. The skin color of this lesion gradually turns black and is full of blood, leading to necrosis. For this level it is often necessary to remove the limb or cut off the area of ​​the necrotic area.

First aid and cure cold burns

Picture 2 of Treatment for cold burns
Do not allow patients to contact the fireplace, fire to avoid further injury.

It must be said that the cause of the cold burn is because the temperature may drop suddenly or prolonged, the body or a body area cannot tolerate this temperature, leading to a cold burn. So the first thing in first aid for patients is to bring patients to warm places as quickly as possible to avoid the body temperature continuing to fall:

  1. If the cold zone is the limbs immediately isolate from the cold environment, warm in any way they warm up.
  2. If the patient's clothes get wet, remove them immediately because if the patient continues to be infected with cold, the body temperature certainly cannot increase, then find ways for the patient's body Warm up like warming with blankets, increase the ambient temperature .
  3. People with cold burns need to get to a warm place, which is very important to eliminate the risk of hypothermia, which in turn stimulates the body to regulate, warm or warm the disease.

Then, soak the lesions in warm water 40-42 degrees C to warm the lesion area 10 to 20 minutes depending on the degree of burns , absolutely, do not expose the patient to fire or fireplace, because it can lead to more serious injuries due to the danger of double burns.

After soaking in warm water, let the patient lie motionless or bandage with sterile cotton swabs to prevent further damage from moving ice crystals causing tissue damage. If you have a cold burn in your limbs, use pads to separate your fingers and toes so that they do not close together causing more pain. When warming the cold burned part, the patient will feel tingling like thousands of burning flames in him. The numb areas will turn to pink or red, in case of first-degree burns and 2 sick people will gradually regain feeling.

Finally, transfer the patient to the nearest hospital to be examined and treated by a specialist.

Cold burns can occur at any age. Especially in the cold weather conditions in the North as today , parents should pay attention to their children, keep them warm because children are vulnerable to sensitive skin before the impact of The environment and consequences are often very heavy. As soon as the person feels cold, the pain is painful, it is necessary to see a medical specialist right away to avoid serious injury, it will be difficult to cure.