The top American doctor believes in

Having dismissed the hypothesis of the existence of the soul's world, recently a leading American brain surgeon changed his opinion after experiencing the feeling of being close to death.

Dr. Eben Alexander, a brain surgeon who graduated from Harvard University in America and practiced for 25 years, fell into a 7-day coma in 2008 after meningitis, Telegraph reported. .

Picture 1 of The top American doctor believes in

Alexander said that during his coma, the area of ​​his brain that controls his thoughts and emotions stopped working. He then experienced the feeling of being close to death and met a beautiful woman with big blue eyes in a place full of white clouds. A string of sounds like a music piece with a high volume and a grand sound. Dr. Alexander clearly heard each sound and felt they were like raindrops that fell into the skin but did not cause a cold, wet sensation.

"That deep feeling gave me a scientific reason to believe in the existence of human consciousness after death , " he said.

Previously, many patients had told Alexander that they had gone through a state of near-death, but he thought it was only a product of imagination or hallucinations. But now he changed his mind after experiencing that feeling. He even published a book "Proof of Heaven" to describe his own experience.

"Everyone says the existence of consciousness after death is incredible, unbelievable. But the state I experienced is not an illusion. I feel it as clearly as the actual events that have happened. In my life, for decades, I have been working as a brain surgeon at one of the most prestigious medical facilities in the US Like all colleagues, I understand the theory of the brain. collapsed by the event I experienced , " Alexander commented.