Expose the savage crime of Hitler's monster doctor

A medical doctor who is considered to have made valuable contributions in the field of pediatrics and child psychology is actually an active participant in Nazi crime.

Doctor "respectable talent"

Hans Asperger was born in 1906 in Austria. He is a pediatrician who specializes in the study of psychological disorders in children living in Vienna, Austria, under the Nazi regime.

In 1944, for the first time, he announced the syndrome of children with gestures, clumsy actions, limited ability to empathize with others and the ability to communicate non-verbal communications (non-verbal communications). ). Initially, he used the word 'autistic psychopathy' to talk about the syndrome, but his publication was not very noticeable. By 1981, British psychologist Lorna Wing 'rediscovered' this syndrome and named it Asperger's Syndrome (autism disorder).

Since then, Asperger has always been considered a doctor who loves children, has been able to discover autism and help save hundreds of children from cruel medical experiments.

Picture 1 of Expose the savage crime of Hitler's monster doctor
Dr. Hans Asperger.(Photo: Topfoto).

Death penalty clinic

But recently, Dr. Herwig Czech, medical historian at the Vienna University of Medicine and Pharmacy, analyzed documents that have never been published, including patient records and medical records. Dr. Asperger, from 1928 to 1944. Dr Czech Dr. Dr Asperger sent a few patients with 'profound disabilities' due to 'overdose' to the Am Spiegelgrund clinic .

Clinic Am Spiegelgrund belongs to Steinhof Hospital in Vienna. This clinic was built to serve Adolf Hitler's eugenics programs, with the goal of maintaining a purely German nation through a series of programs with racial slogans. Through this inhuman program, everyone who is supposed to bring a burden to society will be destroyed. At the Am Spiegelgrund clinic, about 789 children have been given an assistant to death or starved to death. These deaths are often attributed to 'pneumonia'.

In 1941, the Royal Air Force sprayed leaflets across the streets of Vienna's capital, saying that Dr. Erwin Jekelius, director of the Steinhof hospital and Am Spiegelgrund clinic, was responsible for 'killing patients there. system'.

Murderer hiding the white angel's shadow

Czech Dr Dr Asperger said that it was difficult for Dr. Asperger to know that his patients sent here were sentenced to death in a clinic that was always overloaded. He said: 'The findings of Dr. Asperger are the result of years of careful research'.

In his report and his colleagues, he wrote: 'Dr. Asperger succeeded in obtaining a position in the Nazi regime, in exchange for being given many advancement opportunities in his career'.

Czech doctor cites the case of 3-year-old girl Herta Schreiber. Herta is diagnosed with 'serious personality disorder', 'stupid' and 'twitching'. I was sent to Am Spiegelgrund clinic and then died here.

Picture 2 of Expose the savage crime of Hitler's monster doctor
Patient Herta Schreiber, 3 years old.(Photo: Daily Mail)

Dr. Asperger noted in the medical record that: ' This child can be a burden for the mother, currently raising 5 healthy children' and advising patients to 'stay at the Am Spiegelgrund clinic' .

According to Dr. Czech, 'staying at the Am Spiegelgrund clinic' may mean 'a beautiful way of saying murder'.

This girl's mother also seems to know about her daughter's fate. Czech doctor found a note saying: 'If she is not helped, it is better to let her die'.

The truth is exposed

Professor Simon Baron Cohen of Cambridge University and Professor Joseph Buxbaum of Icahn School of Medicine in Mount Sinai, and also the editor of the journal published by the Czech doctor's article, are determined to protect the publication decision. report concussions about Asperger.

Professor Baron Cohen said: 'We know this article will be controversial.' However, according to him, this report needs to be published to 'expose the truth about a medical doctor, for a long time, always considered to have made valuable contributions in the field of pediatrics and young mental I am, but I am actually an active participant in Nazi crime '.

Professor Buxbaum also said: 'I saw the Czech doctor's report very convincing, that Dr. Asperger only tried his best to survive in the harsh conditions of the time, he was even complicit. with Nazis targeting vulnerable groups'.

Currently, a group of patients who suggest whether or not to choose another name for Asperger Syndrome.

However, Carol Povey, director of the Autism Center of the British National Autism Association, said that each person has a different way of talking about the disease.

He said: 'We will listen to everyone's response to this news so that we can continue to ensure that the language we use always reflects the reality of autistic people and families. their'.

He also emphasized: 'It is clear that people diagnosed with Asperger Syndrome should not feel affected because of this very complicated historical story.'