The transparent creature confused people, turned out not to be a shrimp and had a talent for hiding

The photos spread on social networks about this creature has received much attention from the online community.

According to Insight, in recent days, netizens circulated a few pictures with the caption: "Transparent shrimp in deep waters of Japan" has attracted a lot of attention.  

Pictured here are shrimp about 17cm long caught by fishermen. What is special is that this creature is completely transparent that can see through the organs , the shrimp's legs are also not colored. The strange appearance of shrimp makes people extremely excited. But in fact, these photos have been circulating on Chinese social networks since 2017.

Picture 1 of The transparent creature confused people, turned out not to be a shrimp and had a talent for hiding

Picture 2 of The transparent creature confused people, turned out not to be a shrimp and had a talent for hiding
This creature has an English name is Cystisoma.

Reportedly, this creature has the English name Cystisoma , belonging to a subspecies of crustaceans called amphipods hyperphids . This creature is a master at disguising and evolving this ability depending on the depth to which it lives. At a depth of less than 900 meters, where sunlight cannot reach, Cystisoma is usually red or black. Meanwhile, the children live at a depth of 9 meters to 304 meters, where the sun shines but not much, will be transparent. 

Cystisoma can never be seen by the naked eye under water. Its image is obtained thanks to the flash of the camera lens.

With a transparent appearance, Cystisoma is able to evade enemies. In addition, their average size is smaller than normal shrimp so it is not difficult to become "invisible" in the ocean.

Picture 3 of The transparent creature confused people, turned out not to be a shrimp and had a talent for hiding
Its image is obtained thanks to the flash of the camera lens.

Before the special of Cystisoma, netizens are very interested, some people say that it looks like a ball containing water. If people see this animal underwater, then most people will only see its orange organ suspended only.