The whole universe will be redrawn

The Dark Emulator will analyze and decode a huge block of astrophysical data, using processed information to build simulations about the universe.

A team of researchers from many universities in Japan has used the world's fastest supercomputer, astrophysic simulation to develop artificial intelligence (AI) systems capable of predicting the outcome. cosmic structure. The team hopes this simulation will solve the mystery surrounding dark matter all along.

Called 'Dark Emulator', this AI will analyze and decode a huge block of astrophysical data, using processed information to build simulations about the universe.

The simulation is based on a huge database, containing information accumulated from many special telescopes located around the world, then comparing this data with those based on theories surrounding the origin. The universe.

Picture 1 of The whole universe will be redrawn
New AI brings hope of astrophysicics: Redraw the shape of the universe.(Photo: Scitechdaily).

The simulation will basically illustrate the entire universe, including each of its angles, based on the Big Bang theory and the rapid expansion that follows.

'It took us three years to build a huge database with supercomputers, but now we can recreate it on a laptop in seconds. This is really the great potential of data science ' , Takahiro Nishimichi, lead researcher, told Phys.Org.

'With this result, I hope we can uncover the greatest mystery of modern physics, finding the key to dark energy , ' he said. From a general understanding of cosmology, scientists can trace more advanced theories about how dark matter works.

Scientists now believe that most of the universe is made up of dark matter. The concept of 'space' may not simply be as empty as we once thought, but it is filled with energetic matter particles, but humanity has not been able to observe it directly.

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The concept of "Space" is not really nothing as we thought.(Photo: Amino).

Only through science, observation, and measurement results cannot one prove the existence of dark matter. This caused the astrophysicists to struggle to make a unified theory of the universe.

How to reconcile Big Bang Theory, Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle, Einstein's Theory of Relativity and Newton's Law of Thermodynamics with Modern Quantum Mechanics and Dark Energy Theories?

The "Dark Simulation" AI system not only analyzes data, it also re-learns each simulation it creates and uses the output to provide data for the next iteration.

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Abilities such as teleportation can occur once the dark matter mystery is solved.(Photo: Amino).

It does this by analyzing invisible 'veins' between galaxies and re-coding them to create more accurate simulations.

This technology helps scientists define exactly what dark matter is or how dark energy works. This will undoubtedly open the door to a major breakthrough in human understanding of the question: What does the universe really look like?

In the future, a clear understanding of dark energy could lead to countless far-fetched science-technology inventions like time travel or teleportation . It only happens when dark matter really exists.

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