These are the ways Vietnamese people should learn Jews to understand their children better
Every parent thinks he understands me. No stranger to the words: "I lay it out, I can't understand it!". But at some point, parents realize that if I understand my child, I don't have to fall into this painful situation.
Understanding children is to understand the psychological developments within them, understand relationships, aspirations, emotions, thoughts, aspirations, desires, interests, worries, joys, sorrows. ., what children say, and what they don't say.
In order to be able to do this, there is no other way than parents to create closeness, intimacy, trust in children; so that they can easily share their thoughts and feelings. Here is the secret that Israeli parents use to comprehend their children.
Try to gather materials about your life
Create a family record file from the time you were born, document your child's words and deeds. Thereby, parents can see the strengths and weaknesses as well as the moods that reflect their habits and interests. Thus, the educational process will be more effective.
Parents gather materials about children in many ways to avoid the subjective and subjective view of their children.
Listen to your ideas in many ways
Parents gather materials about children in many ways to avoid the subjective and subjective view of their children, thereby helping them to recognize the problem they often overlook, ignore. For children, teachers are the people they trust the most, and their friends are the closest ones. So collecting materials from teachers and friends is the best choice for parents.
Become my best friend
If you do not want your child to close the door of your soul with you and turn you into an outsider, parents should not always put you in a superior position. After the family has finished their meal, parents can talk and talk with their children. Shortening the psychological gap between two generations, helping parents understand the characteristics, personality, interest and interests of children.
Cherish every little progress of your child
Comparing your changes every day, parents will recognize your child's progress and bright points. Parents need to give encouragement, help them experience success. That is the breakthrough point in the education of children.
Timely capture your child's mind
Help your child learn how to solve problems that arise in life correctly and convey their experiences, thoughts and values through language communication.
Select the appropriate connection channel
Each child has a different personality, wants to do this parents need to choose a way to chat with children based on its personality characteristics. Here we have two ways.One is a straightforward way : Parents frankly tell their children their attitudes about the problem. The advantage of this approach is to go straight to the point, but it is only suitable for children with an extrovert personality. Indirect way : Parents use a small story or an example to inspire a child's interest in conversation and then lead the conversation to the topic.
After the family has finished their meal, parents can talk and talk with their children.
Find appropriate chat opportunities
There are always some problems, problems arising from the children themselves and the surrounding environment, the parents promptly grasp the problem, typical events and conduct exchanges, chatting with children will bring the effect The result is higher than normal, the child itself is more receptive.
Create a friendly and pleasant atmosphere
Many ordinary parents rarely talk to and talk to their children, but when problems occur, they strictly teach them, so the distance between parents and children is getting bigger and bigger. Therefore, in order to have a better conversation with children, parents need to create an intimate, close atmosphere, making jokes and telling some interesting stories to shorten the emotional distance between the two parties.
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