Raising children smartly from the womb like Jews

Jews are the smartest people in the world. Have you ever wondered what their secret is? The answer lies right in how to raise a great child right from the pregnancy of Jewish mothers.

With just over 13 million people but accounting for nearly 40% of Nobel Prize winners and contributing a lot of scientists and many outstanding advances to humankind, Jews are considered the smartest people in the world. Surely you wonder: whether they were born genius or another mystery in how to raise children? That question will be answered shortly after.

Pregnancy - great diet and living

During pregnancy, Jewish mothers pay great attention to nutrition at every meal. They love eating almonds, dates and fresh milk. Lunch will include bread and fish, salads mixed with almonds and other nuts. One thing in particular is that they will not eat fish head because they believe that fish meat is good for brain development but fish head is not.

In addition, according to Jewish culture, the pregnant mother will need to drink cod liver oil . Salad and nuts are a must, especially almonds. They always eat fresh fruit before meals. The reason is because they believe that eating the main meal first and the fruit will make us sleepy and difficult to absorb the nutrients in the fruit.

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Jewish mothers pay special attention to diet and activity throughout pregnancy.

Meanwhile, the living regime is also very focused. A pregnant mother will often sing, play, and always try to solve problems with her husband. It is not surprising to see a Jewish pregnant mother always carrying math books with her because they think doing so will help train the child from her mother's womb and so she will become knowledgeable later. . And they will continue to do math until the child is born.

Moreover, in places where Jews live like in Israel, smoking is taboo . If you are a guest, you should not smoke in their home, they will politely invite you out to smoke. Because they are aware that nicotine will destroy the basic cells in the body while affecting genes and DNA (genetic cells) leading to degeneration of the brain.

The early years - encouraging questions

It can be said that this is a culture of support and encouragement of curiosity and questions. On the one hand, parents always encourage their children to ask questions about everything around them in their daily lives, any objects and phenomena that children are curious to help them be creative, flexible . On the other hand, The Jews also have an outstanding feature when teaching children that always put lots of questions for them.

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Jewish children are always encouraged to ask questions and find answers to their own questions.

When a child has certain questions, his / her Jewish parents will not respond immediately to the child because he / she can finish listening and will forget immediately or not remember long in memory. Therefore, they will ask the opposite question suggesting to help children brainstorm thinking to be able to remember the answer. For example, when I asked what the mask used for? I will not answer you immediately, but I will ask "Where do you think masks are used to wear and why do people use masks in that place?" . Your baby will understand the mask on the face and think when wearing on the face, the mask will be able to shield, shield the face, remove odor or inhalation gas and help hide, disguise .

Teach my children to do housework right from an early age and let their children become independent

Jews consider doing housework to teach children basic survival opportunities. According to a study of the Family Education Magazine in Israel, the unemployment rate of people who do not know how to do housework is higher than 15 times who know how to do housework, their average income is also 20% lower than those who are good at family work. They teach their children to do housework from a young age, depending on their age, and usually, 2-year-olds can serve themselves.

The Jews have a famous saying: "Don't be a butler, but be a master for your children" , say, just guide, advise your child, don't get too wrapped up and do everything for yourself. Absolutely do not fall into the disease 421 (4 grandparents, 2 parents surrounded a child) because that is no different parents are willing to be their slaves and only poisoned children only.

As for this saying, the monk means the instructor, only teaches the children useful things but does not do anything for them but let the child do what he needs to do in his own capacity. The implication of the statement also indicates that parents always advise, at the child side teach children the right thing and help them understand what is right and what is wrong so that they can understand how to do it. is the best. This is also very good in training the independence and assertiveness of every human being.

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Pictures of young Jews are taught how to make cakes right from kindergarten.

Train your children to think hard and difficult right from the beginning

Normally, parents only pay attention to a child's IQ to see if their children are smart. However, in reality, a child with the most comprehensive development needs a lot of other factors, including the AQ index, which means that the index surpasses difficulties, accounting for a very important part of the process. towards success later. In Jewish schools, for schools for aristocrats and rich children, students who are trained must know how to overcome challenges and difficulties in order to achieve success.

Jews formulated their own AQ overcoming difficulties: 20% IQ + 80% (AQ + EQ) = 100% success. (IQ: intelligent index, EQ: emotional index). They believe that good grades mean good schools, good schools will have good degrees, good degrees will have good jobs, but good jobs are different from those with successful careers.

Therefore, Jewish children from an early age have been imbued with ideology that is not afraid of difficult challenges but dare to bravely confront them to achieve success. Parents will create a premise for their development throughout their life to become a strong and brave person rather than covering children from small to large.