These images will make you rethink your time in your life

Let's read it together and reflect on it, it's time we had to change it because the past time couldn't be taken back anymore.
* Based on Tim Urban's story on WaitButWhy *

This is an illustration of the life span of a 90-year-old person, by year:

Picture 1 of These images will make you rethink your time in your life

By month :

Picture 2 of These images will make you rethink your time in your life

By week :

Picture 3 of These images will make you rethink your time in your life

By date :

Total days in 90 years of life

(2 rows = 1 year, 1 segment = 1 decade)

Picture 4 of These images will make you rethink your time in your life

But I think it should be viewed differently. Instead of measuring the life span of people with these numbers, why don't we measure with facts? So I'll take myself as an example: I'm 34 years old, assuming I can live up to 90 years old, I can only get under 60 winter.

Picture 5 of These images will make you rethink your time in your life

Or I will only see about 60 football seasons:

Picture 6 of These images will make you rethink your time in your life

I usually don't like to swim very much, just about once a year, so I can only set foot in the sea 60 times more:

Picture 7 of These images will make you rethink your time in your life

I read about 5 books a year, so I can only read about 300 more books in my life out of a total of millions of books in this world:

Picture 8 of These images will make you rethink your time in your life

I usually eat pizza once a month, so I will eat about 700 more in my life. But I prefer to eat Chinese food, I eat about 6 pieces of steamed broom twice a month, so I will eat this amount of popsicles.

Picture 9 of These images will make you rethink your time in your life

But these are not what I want to say. Most of what I have said are common and happen at regular intervals. What I think about is an important aspect of life, which is not as straightforward as the examples above.


I was thinking about my parents, who were in their 60s. During my first 18 years, I spent at least 90% of the day time with them. But since I went to college and moved out of my hometown of Boston, I only visited them about 5 times a year, and lasted about two days at a time. So an average of 10 days a year. If it was calculated, it was only about 3% of the time of the day compared to my childhood.

My parents are in their 60s, let's continue to assume that I and they are both lucky and live up to 90 years old. If so, they and they will have another 30 years of living together, and if I visit them for 10 days a year, I have 300 days left with them. Less than the whole time during my first 18 years.

This is a picture of how many days I will be with them:

Picture 10 of These images will make you rethink your time in your life

When I graduated from high school, I used up 93% of my time with my parents. Currently I only have about 5% of the time left with them.

For the same sisters, after living together in the same house for about 10 years, we now live in different cities. Every year we meet for about 15 days. As far as I calculate, we have 15% more time going out together. So are my 5-member group. When we were in school we spent about 5 days a week to meet each other and this took place over 4 years, a total of about 700 times to meet. But now we can only do this 1 day per year. We have 7% time left to meet.

So what do we draw?

1. Living in a place where someone you love : I have more than 10 times the time spent with relatives living in the city compared to relatives in other cities.

2. Know your priorities : your time with loved ones depends on the priority you give to that person. Make sure you are the one who sets this priority list.

3. Be happy when you're with your loved one : if you have about 10% of your time with your loved one, always keep that in mind and treat them with affection and love.

Because time is over, it will not be taken back.