This moon, what is the strange moon?

The moon that appears on the Mid-Autumn Festival this year will be the smallest in the last 18 years.

According to Xinhua, astronomers from China Meteorological and Hydrological Station say the Moon of the Mid-Autumn Festival this year will have very special phenomena, rarely seen.

Picture 1 of This moon, what is the strange moon?
Moon Moon this year has many differences.

First, it was the time when the Moon was the fullest. According to scientists in this country, the Moon will be the roundest at 17: 7 minutes on the 23rd September of the calendar (ie on the 16th of the 8th lunar month), not on the Mid-Autumn Festival as usual.

The next rare difference of the Moon in the Mid-Autumn Festival this year is that the Moon will appear from the east. This is considered a very rare phenomenon. The time when the Moon rose from the east according to Chinese astronomers was around 18:00 on the 15th of the 8th lunar month.

The distance between the Moon and the Earth in Mid-Autumn Festival tomorrow night is also the farthest in the period from 1992 until now. According to calculations, at 15 o'clock today, the Moon will be about 406.165 km from Earth and is the longest distance.

In the Mid-Autumn Festival, from 8pm onwards, the distance from the Moon to Earth will be about 405,677 km. Therefore, on the Mid-Autumn Festival this year, we will see the smallest Moon in the last 18 years.