Tigers in the world are at risk of disappearing from the Earth

The tiger population living in the wild environment in the world has not yet escaped the danger of extinction as the number of individuals is decreasing due to increased poaching and deforestation, while the policy to protect this species is weak. .

For nearly 100 years, Asia's largest predator has been forgotten, so now the regions that live in tigers account for only about 7% of the area they once lived - according to the report. Wild tiger 'posted in BioScience magazine in July.

Picture 1 of Tigers in the world are at risk of disappearing from the Earth Deforestation for industrial tree plantations, poor conservation policies and long poaching are the causes of the absence of forests in India, the Caspie (Russia), the islands of Bali and Java (Indonesia). 'King of the jungle'. At the same time, despite the widespread ban on tiger trade, illegal trading of tiger fur and bone products still occurs in many countries such as China, Japan, Korea and the United States. According to the World Wildlife Fund (WWF), strengthening the protection and expansion of areas where tigers live is one of the urgent measures needed to develop and preserve this species, dense. especially in Asian countries.

Meanwhile, China recently said the number of Siberian tigers, one of the world's 10 most endangered animals, is rising again. From March to now, there have been 84 tiger cubs born at the Tiger Breeding Center in Heilongjiang province, bringing the total number of tigers to 750. The center is expected to drop 620 children into the forest so that they will continue to breed and develop. This is a happy signal for the conservation of rare and precious species.