To remember your face, look into your eyes

Picture 1 of To remember your face, look into your eyes A study shows that looking at the eyes is the best way for us to keep a person's face in memory.

According to previous tests, we often focus on one part of our face when we distinguish someone from another. Scientists believe that only certain facial features can provide the best information for us to recognize (or remember) an individual.

Experts of the University of Barcelona (Spain) conducted an experiment to understand this. They collected 868 female faces and 868 male faces and in turn raised photos before a special computer. The computer is designed to be able to "look" and remember facial features like the human eye.

The results show that the eyes provide the most clear information about a person, followed by the mouth and nose. The team also found that the facial recognition on the image is not affected by the background or the background of the image. They believe that, during evolution, the brain regions responsible for distinguishing faces only focus on processing information in the eye area.