Surprise with the most appreciated point on the face

You probably won't be too surprised about this part of the face that is always the most concerned and appreciated. Because they say so much!

When you look at someone's face or someone's, what do you think is the most attractive?

Which are the full lips or the protruding cheekbones? But no, it turned out that what caused many people to be "knocked out" is the same.

Recent research by experts at the University of Winchester and Hampshire has shown that the eyes are really a powerful tool for a swordsman to find his dreams.

Picture 1 of Surprise with the most appreciated point on the face
What makes many people "beaten" indulged is the eyes.

Specifically, the study shows that both men and women think that, looking at the window of the soul - they can receive the most personality of the partner . Information obtained from the eyes more from other facial features such as hair, lips and the least attractive point is the nose.

Previous facial beauty studies focused on three main areas: symmetry, sex appeal, and attractiveness on each part.

Researchers pointed out that facial beauty plays an important role in social interaction, including " sex " and reproduction.

Head of research - psychologist Daniel Gill of the University of Winchester, Hampshire looked at an evaluation of facial features such as eyes, nose, hair, lips .

He found a clear gender division in different parts of the face that both sexes " attracted" the most.

Picture 2 of Surprise with the most appreciated point on the face
Looking at the window of the soul - one can receive the most personality of the partner.

Using color photos, 32 women and 32 men in their 20s were asked to assess the faces of women and men - in particular, personal characteristics such as eyes, nose, hair, lips or the entire mold. face.Note that all these faces do not wear makeup or jewelry, and men do not bear a beard.

The results showed that when looking at the face of 1 person, men observed the entire front face, then moved to the eyes, hair, lips, nose are 2 points they look at the end.

Women evaluated the men's face in the eyes and hair first, and then moved to the lip and nose parts.

This shows that the eyes and hair are two points that both sexes evaluate as something that needs attention and attraction at first ; Can help them better understand the partner in the first meeting.

Picture 3 of Surprise with the most appreciated point on the face
Eyes and hair are two points that both sexes consider to be attention and attraction at first.

Gill said: "In human interaction , the beauty of the face is extremely important, affecting individuals and groups.

The beauty of the opposite person is said to be one of the conditions for someone to decide whether they can become the parents of their children. "

He added that facial expressions, especially eye contact, are of great importance in determining a person's relationship by evolutionary pressure leading to the idea of ​​facial attributes - so beautiful. The new generation is beautiful.

And from the eyes, they will understand the feelings and feelings of the opposite person, thereby considering whether the person is really suitable for them or not.

The study was published in the scientific journal Evolution and Human Behavior.