Top 10 scariest ghosts in human history

For centuries, the list of 10 most terrifying ghosts in human history below has always made many people curious, shudder, and haunted when thinking about it.

Regardless of the era or country, mysterious stories about scary ghosts are still passed down from generation to generation. This is also the inspiration for filmmakers to create haunting horror films. And here are the Top 10 scariest ghosts in human history to date.

1. Zombie

A famous ghost in Chinese folklore, the Jiangshi is known as the walking dead, born from corpses that do not decompose after burial. These corpses are dehydrated, with some of their flesh shriveled, but their fingernails, toenails, and hair continue to grow.

Picture 1 of Top 10 scariest ghosts in human history Zombies are known as walking corpses from corpses that do not decompose after burial.

When night falls, the zombies jump up, leave the coffin or cave with their arms stretched out in front, their legs jumping to find people and living things to drain their yang energy, thereby spreading terror to everyone.

2. Bell's Ghost

The horror story of the Bell Witch that spread throughout Tennessee and the United States originated from the John Bell family. After moving to Adams town, north of Roberson county, Tennessee, Mr. Bell and his son went hunting and accidentally saw a scary creature but did not have time to shoot.

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Ghosts in the Bell family.

Since then, the Bell family began a series of haunted days with creepy sounds, with whispering, weak voices or mysterious shadows hovering at the head of the bed or on the wall. Finally, tragedy struck when this scary ghost attacked Betsy, John Bell's daughter and the priest invited to perform the ceremony. The incident terrified the whole town, causing General Andrew Jackson (later the president of the United States) to pay attention and invite a shaman to subdue it but was helpless. It was not until John Bell drank poison and died that the Bell ghost accepted and gradually disappeared.

3. Vampire

Unlike the Cullens in Twilight, vampires in European stories are extremely brutal and evil. They bite their victims' necks and suck their blood mercilessly, and are even considered to be the cause of epidemics, killing millions of people.

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Anyone accused of being a vampire would be executed immediately without any evidence.

4. Lang Suir

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Lang Suir is a notorious female ghost in Indonesian legend.

Lang Suir is a notorious female ghost in Indonesian legend. This is the deformed, ugly ghost of women who died during and after childbirth. Lang Suir's most recognizable features are her bloodshot eyes and sharp claws. Lang Suir often haunts pregnant women until they die or lose their children. Even more horrifying, Lang Suir also sucks blood from a hole in the back of her neck.

5. Snow Woman Yuki Onna

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The Japanese snow woman Yuki-Onna is often referred to for her youthful appearance, slightly blue lips, long black hair, and pale skin.

In the top 10 scariest ghosts in human history, the Japanese snow woman Yuki-Onna is often mentioned with her youthful appearance, slightly blue lips, long black hair and white skin. Yuki-Onna usually only appears on winter days when it snows heavily, wearing a white kimono.

Anyone who happens to meet Yuki-Onna will surely die, a very cold and lonely death.

6. Phi Pop

Known as a very powerful and difficult to destroy female ghost; Phi Pop of Thailand specializes in possessing living people, eating their organs, then disguises herself as the victim and looks for another target to kill.

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Phi Pop is a very strong witch, difficult to destroy.

The only way to get rid of Phi Pop is to perform an exorcism ritual accompanied by a dance.

7. Hungry Ghost

For Indians, hungry ghosts are souls who die of hunger but cannot eat. They are extremely narrow-minded, stingy, selfish, and cruel to others when alive, so they cannot be reincarnated. They have big bellies, small necks, and monstrous, ferocious faces.

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Hungry ghosts are souls that starve but cannot eat.

Hungry ghosts often go around causing trouble for humans and are only allowed to eat rice on the 15th day of the 7th lunar month - the day of pardon for the souls of the dead.

8. Ma Manananggal

Similar to Western vampires, the Manananggal ghost in the Philippines also hunts people to suck blood, especially sleeping women, but has a rather deformed appearance: a human-like face, very wide bat wings and a body cut in half.

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9. Zombie

Appearing quite often in horror movies, the image of zombies is not too strange. They haunt the minds of North Americans and Europeans with a series of victims being bitten painfully and bloody, eventually becoming mindless zombies like them.

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10. Ghost skin

In Vietnam, ghosts are the souls of people who drowned. They cannot be liberated, so they often wander in deserted rivers, pulling the victims' legs and drowning them to death.

The ghost appears in many forms, sometimes as a child, sometimes as a piece of cloth or a clump of moss floating in the green water.

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Ghosts are the souls of people who drowned.

So, whether true or not, the top 10 scariest ghosts in human history are always mentioned, making many people haunted and scared. Don't be surprised to see these ghosts appear in vivid horror movies or extremely attractive and thrilling late-night stories.