Traditional customs for the lucky year

Buy peach, apricot, five fruit tray, smash land, buy salt, lucky money, ask for letters, go to the temple . are the customs that bring good luck, blessing every Tet, spring in Vietnam.

Lunar New Year is a great event for Vietnamese people. The traditional customs on this occasion are deeply meaningful, with the desire to bring good luck and good fortune for a prosperous and prosperous new year.

Proverbs digging, kumquat, apricot

Families in the North often cannot lack peaches in the house every spring and Tet. The bright red rose of peach blossom has created a joyful spring atmosphere, both meaning to ward off evil spirits and bring good luck to the new year. The most popular type of peach is flanged with big cotton, many wings, dark color.

Picture 1 of Traditional customs for the lucky year
Cherry blossoms are bright red and pink.(Photo: Vu Minh Quan / Zing).

At the same time, kumquat tree is also an indispensable feature of Tet. A beautiful tree is often luxuriant, with beautiful canopy, with yellow fruits, young fruits, green leaves, full flower buds, symbolizing the richness, fortune, eating.

In the South, due to climate characteristics, people often play mai instead of digging and whipping. The bright yellow of apricot flowers is a symbol of glory, success, proliferation. People often choose trees with lots of buds and buds before Tet, due to the concept of blooming flowers at the time of New Year's Eve or early in the first year will bring more luck, prosperity and happiness for the family that year. Ordinary apricot flowers have 5 wings, but there are 6-7, even 10 wings. The more flowers the tree has, the more the owner will be lucky in the new year.

Presenting five fruits tray

Five fruit tray is an indispensable custom of Vietnamese people in the new year. "Five" is the number 5, the symbolic number of life such as the Five Elements, the five senses, the five elements, the five organs . The fruit (fruit) represents the prosperity, abundance and flowering. Each region, each region has a different way of displaying the five fruits, but all have special meaning.

Southern people often display the main fruits are custard apple, coconut, papaya, mango, read off to "just enough use" with the desire to have a new year of fortune, more figs symbolizing the fullness of health, money. In addition, the tray also has beautiful fruits such as watermelon, apple, peach .

Five fruits tray of the North cannot lack green bananas, symbolizing spring, onion, and meaning as a protective hand, enveloping, catching luck. The buddhist fruit or grapefruit fruit is grounded, praying for blessing and happiness. Red fruits such as oranges, tangerines and persimmons show fire, white fruits such as whip, peaches are onions and black fruits such as plums, persimmon, and grapes represent the water. The tray of five fruits is full, full and full of five elements for all advantages, good luck, good luck.

Suffering land

Vietnamese people have the concept that the first person to come to the house after the new year or the morning of the New Year will decide the whole year. People who are invited to host land are often old, healthy, successful, good-tempered, wishing they bring luck to the whole family. The person who rushes to the ground will visit the house, wish the owner good things. The land batter himself is also blessed for doing a good job.

The lì xì money, wish the first year

On the morning of the first day of the Lunar New Year, it is often the time when children and grandchildren gather to wish their grandparents, parents, and filial piety and respect for the elders in the family. Children will receive red envelopes with new coins called "open money" to eat fast, have lots of fun, good luck in the new year.

Picture 2 of Traditional customs for the lucky year
He explained the meaning of writing.(Photo: Viet Quan).

The custom of asking for the early spring

This is a cultural beauty of Vietnamese people, symbolizing the tradition of fondness for learning and literacy. People often go to the homes of seniors, temples or Van Mieu to ask for meaningful words such as Phuc, Loc, and Germany . to pray for a lucky new year. Flexibility, flowery on red or yellow paper has both spiritual meaning and brings a solemn atmosphere for spring day.

The custom of buying salt at the beginning of the year

"At the beginning of the year, buying salt, buying lime at the end of the year is definitely the Vietnamese sentence that belongs. According to the ancient concept, salty salt can exorcise, bringing luck and symbolizing strong feelings, glue. Therefore, at the beginning of the year, there are often salty products going around so that families buy a full bowl of salt, with the wish of a happy and prosperous new year, everyone in the house harmonizes and closes.

The custom goes to the temple to pray

This custom is an indispensable spiritual activity on the occasion of spring with Vietnamese people. Usually, after a year-end meal, women in the family often prepare the ceremony and come to the temple near the house to pray. Instead of picking fortune, people now buy sugarcane, sea sugar flowers or buds to bring good luck to their families. At the beginning of the year, people also made spring trips to many famous pilgrimage sites to pray for their families to be prosperous and prosperous.