Transfer panda from America to China

Male panda Mei Sheng, born at San Diego Zoo (USA) four years ago, is being sent to China to join the breeding program.

Mei Sheng, meaning ' born in the United States ', was sent to the Wolong nature reserve for the Big Panda (Dai hung chi) on Monday, November 5 under an agreement under which, all Both pandas born outside China will be brought back to this country as they mature.

'People will miss Mei Sheng. However Mei Sheng's mission to the race requires it to return to China! ' - The representative of the Big Panda organization spoke on the Union Tribune. - 'As an individual in a highly endangered species, the fact that Mei Sheng was transferred between other pandas could be considered a great family'.

There are only about 1,600 large pandas living in the wild, and less than 180 are kept in captivity. Mei Sheng is the second largest panda born in the US to China. Hua Mei panda, born at San Diego Zoo in 1999 was also sent to Wolong Nature Reserve and gave birth to three children.

Picture 1 of Transfer panda from America to China

(Photo: AP)