Transfiguration car

Coming soon, the market will appear a line can turn into a four-wing helicopter, based on prototype control toys.

Picture 1 of Transfiguration car
A prototype helicopter hybrid - (Photo: Kickstarter)

Inventor Witold Mielniczek of the University of Southampton (UK) has launched the remote-controlled toy car, which is briefly named B.

According to, B's design incorporates a four-bladed helicopter model, which can take off from the ground as it moves to aircraft status.

He said the invention could lead to the birth of a new car of the future, inspired by the toy prototype.

'It's a remote-controlled helicopter hybrid ... it's capable of breaking the bumpy terrain with the big rear wheel, and when the obstacles are too big, it simply takes off and flies over. that 's it , according to Mielniczek.

Vehicles are also equipped with HD camera to send images directly from the vehicle view, while the chassis is designed to prevent collision.