Turn your arm into a virtual keyboard

Japanese electronics firm NEC has successfully developed virtual keyboard software for use with devices such as eyeglasses or smart watches. This technology is geared towards applications in factories or hospitals.

Successfully developed virtual keyboard software

The software can work with other companies' mobile devices and wearable devices. The main function of the software is to provide an input keyboard set in virtual space to replace bulky physical keyboards.

According to NEC, the software program works by combining an eyeglasses with camera display (like the Seilo Epson prototype and some other technology companies) with a smart watch.

Picture 1 of Turn your arm into a virtual keyboard

When users glance at the clock through the glass, the software automatically determines the location of the device. Then, a virtual keyboard will be released from the glasses to the user's hand. A special feature of this technology is its high accuracy.

Users simply press on the virtual keyboard, the camera on the glass will proceed to determine the position of the key pressed. At the same time, the sensor on the watch will play the role of detecting the slightest vibration to conduct data entry on the watch.

NEC's new technology offers a large-scale perspective on factories and hospitals where workers or doctors need to work more quickly. Nothing is simpler when doctors can easily update patient records right from the hand.

The advantage of virtual reality technology applied on glass is completely recognizable. Current input methods are mainly based on voice or specialized input devices. Obviously, voice input will be useless in the noisy environment of the factory, while direct input on wearable devices may not seem easy because the operation screen is too small.

Old dreams, new opportunities

The concept of virtual reality technology first appeared in 1990. However, the limited processing power of computers at that time was what hindered the success of this technology.

Picture 2 of Turn your arm into a virtual keyboard

However, since the wave of mobile devices and wearable devices has flourished today, many manufacturers have begun to rekindle their intention to return to this future technology. For example, Hitachi has sold a virtual interactive display that provides various work instructions and tools for workers in the factory.

Microsoft technology giant has also overwhelmed the technology world with virtual reality shows on Hololens glasses. Products trusted by technology will open a new direction and application for many industries such as education, game, health or space research.

Not to mention the future, the virtual reality industry promises to be an industry that makes money on all fronts.

According to a study by Seed Planning, the value of virtual reality technology is expected to increase to 290 billion yen (about 2.37 billion USD), 3 times the value of 2014. The figure only in Japan market.