Typing keys too quickly will reduce the quality of the content to write

Just type the keyboard slowly, the quality of the content you type will improve. It is a trick shared by Canadian scientists after studying the ability to transform thoughts into human texts and, in fact, each person's ability is different, hence the quality of the content. They also write differently.

In the study, scientists led by Srdan Medimorec, a professor of cognitive psychology at the University of Waterloo, Canada, forced volunteers to write at a slow pace and at that time, it really improved. how they think, use words, help create better, higher quality content. Professor Srdan said: " The ability to type too quickly or too fluently can lead to a decline in the writing process. It seems that what we write is the result of the interaction between thoughts and merits. tools for us to express them ".

Picture 1 of Typing keys too quickly will reduce the quality of the content to write
The ability to type too quickly or too fluently can lead to a decline in writing.

To study the effect of writing speed limits on writing ability, researchers called on volunteers and asked them to type an essay with both hands and just one hand. When analyzing the essay with software, they found that typing with one hand - an action that was hindered by force - but gave better results, especially the use of more subtle words.

Professor Evan F. Risko, a member of the research team, said: "This is the first study to prove that when you interfere with someone who is typing, the content they type is even better. arguing that students and students should type lessons with one hand but the results of the study show that the faster the typing, the lower the content ". At the same time, the research team believes that when being knocked down slowly, the writer will enjoy, search and select their words.

On the other hand, the researchers say that the ability to write will be significantly improved when writing slowly regardless of what the user writes in, with a pen on paper, with a keystroke or even using variable applications. speech into text. However, they acknowledge that this is only a guess and need more research to verify. On the other hand, this study uses computers to assess the "good" level of a paragraph and possibly, it will reduce the accuracy in the process of determining article quality.