Understanding slimming surgery: The method of salvation for people who are overweight

Overweight and obesity not only affect your physique, but also disrupt the substances in your body, which is the cause of a variety of other diseases such as blood metabolism disorders, blood glucose disorders, hyperemia. pressure, heart disease, diabetes and some cancers.

Losing weight is the most effective method of preventing disease, but in fact, losing weight with traditional ways is not effective, or successful weight loss but not maintained for more than 5 years. This is not entirely their fault, as the genetic structure is the agent that makes them more likely to gain weight.

Common methods such as exercise, diet reduction can reduce and maintain weight for up to 2 years, but after 5 years up to 95% of obesity cases will return to their original weight, even lice rise more. By this time, many people choose to be slimming surgery.

Picture 1 of Understanding slimming surgery: The method of salvation for people who are overweight
Judge Graham Elliot of US Master Chef performed successful weight loss surgery.

What is slimming surgery?

Since 2013, the United States has classified obesity as a chronic disease, requiring long-term treatment, even lifetime. And if it is already a disease, doctors will find ways to treat it. In recent years, slimming surgery has been an effective method to quickly lose weight, eliminate and significantly improve health problems for obese people.

Bariatric surgery is not surgery to remove the fat of obese people but rather to solve the root cause of obesity which is appetite. Doctors will perform gastrointestinal surgery, reducing the ability to store or absorb a quantity of food compared to the previous ability of people who are obese. Some common surgeries today include:

  1. Gastric Sleeve : The doctor will remove about 80% of the stomach and create a tubular stomach. After implementation, patients will feel less hungry and faster to full after eating.
  2. Gastric Bypass : The doctor will create a smaller stomach bag and connect it to the small intestine to help people feel fuller and reduce mineral absorption.
  3. Stomach (Lap Band) : The doctor ties a belt around the upper part of the stomach, forming a small pocket above the belt, so that the stomach will be filled faster when eating, making patients feel fast more full.
  4. Duodenal Switch : In this method, a large portion of the stomach will need to be removed (such as tubular gastric bypass surgery), intestinal diversion, and gallbladder removal. The results are similar to the above methods as patients will feel less hungry, faster saturated and absorbed into the body less calories and minerals.

These methods not only shrink the stomach to feed the food but also diminish appetite in obese people. Since then, reducing the amount of food put on daily and help patients no longer want to eat as much as before surgery. From 11 months to 60 months after surgery, the patient will reduce 50% - 70% of the excess volume in the patient's body. The evaluation results on obese gastrectomy patients showed that the average weight of each person after surgery a year was about 35kg. In some cases, after 2 years the weight has decreased from 160kg to 78kg.

Conditions for slimming surgery - the method is not for everyone

Surgery is an effective method to eliminate and significantly improve the health and psychological problems of obese people. However, the first thing the patient should realize is that surgery is not a method for all obese patients. Even if the patient has met all the conditions necessary to perform the surgery, this should still be a last resort. Some conditions for obese people can participate in slimming surgery are:

  1. A BMI of 40 or higher, or from 30 to 39.9 and having serious comorbidities such as diabetes, hypertension, sleep apnea, high cholesterol, joint problems, etc.
  2. Excess weight of at least 36 kg
  3. Falls between the ages of 18 and 75
  4. There have been a history of weight loss.

Even after surgery is completed, the patient must understand that surgery is only one part of the obesity treatment process. In addition to surgical treatment, patients need to be involved in medical treatment, psychological treatment, and it is important to follow and maintain a scientific diet, living habits, and moderate exercise. long lasting effect.

Picture 2 of Understanding slimming surgery: The method of salvation for people who are overweight
You can lose weight just by eating healthy and exercising .

Weight-loss surgery is a way to treat disease, you can lose weight just by a healthy diet and exercise, and determination to the end. You will succeed!

If you are not a person who is overweight, this method is not for you. And you probably won't need to find such 'high-dose' methods when you change your diet, are cleaner, more nutritious, and have an appropriate exercise regime. protect your health so you don't have to see a doctor.

  1. Is surgery to reduce stomach to lose weight really safe?
  2. Weight loss surgery can cause bone weakness