Unexpected discovery of the village

A series of mysterious suicides in a small village in India made people believe that their village was haunted by bloodthirsty "demons". However, the investigation results from the scientists have brought about an unexpected conclusion.

According to Sputnik, on May 8, Badi village in Khargone district, India, for several months of this year saw more than 80 suicides by villagers. The village is small with a population of about 2,500 people.

Rajendra village chief Sisodiya said his brother and mother were among the 80 suicides. His predecessor was a hanged Jeevan cousin who ended his life in front of his house.

Picture 1 of Unexpected discovery of the village
A village in Khargone district, India.(Source: Sputnik).

Ashok Verma, a local official who was appointed to head a special committee for the search for the cause of the villagers' mass suicide."This is a very serious problem and we need to act quickly. Villagers lack confidence and motivation. Therefore, it is very important to advise and advise them." - he said.

The village head of Sisodiya said that this village had 320 households but every household had at least one relative to find their own death. He added that the rate of suicide in the village is increasing due to the "evil presence" that leads.

However, after the investigation, scientists believe that the deaths may be related to pesticides , which are widely used in cotton growing crops in the vicinity of Badi village.

Pesticides can cause depression, even schizophrenia , according to psychiatrist Srikanth Reddy. The doctor also stressed that China has also been shocked with suicides among farmers who used pesticides a few years ago.

"Depression is not something people here can easily relate to or identify. When they cannot find any cause, they will resort to explaining the appearance of the called evil spirits " - RT quoted psychiatrist Reddy.

The Khargone district of India is among the 250 poorest and most superstitious regions in India.