Unique seabed sculpture museum

The unique Alley of Leaders Museum was created in 1992 at the tip of Tarhankut, the Crimea by Vladimir Broumenskyy.

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Statue of portrait of Felix Edmundovich Dzerzhinsky, a politician of Polish origin.

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Statue of Lenin leader.

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The coastline of Tarhankut, Tarhan Qut in the Crimea is home to many portraits of talented leaders in the world.

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The statue of the Tower of London bridge with bright colors like new is placed here yesterday.

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A pelican is crept in the sea.

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Shukhov radio tower, also known as Shabolovka tower - a building built in Moscow during the Russian Civil War.

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The statue of Yuri Alekseyevich Gagarin.

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Neptune sea god in Greek mythology is holding a powerful trident.

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Shining brightly under the murky sea floor is a ship model with red color is quite new.

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This is a group of anonymous children who are "playing" in a corner of the museum.