Unique unique characteristics of animals

Each animal possesses a characteristic that makes it difficult to confuse in nature.

Interesting animals in the world

Picture 1 of Unique unique characteristics of animals
Cuttlefish change color immediately to blend into the surrounding environment.They do this while completely blind.(Photo: LoLWot.)

Picture 2 of Unique unique characteristics of animals
The number of olfactory receptors in elephant tubes is five times higher than that of humans.Scientists have discovered that African elephants have the strongest sense of smell in mammals.They sniff out water a few kilometers away and use their sense of smell to find a mate, food or detect predators from afar.(Photo: LoLWot.)

Picture 3 of Unique unique characteristics of animals
To protect yourself from desert sand, camels have three eyelids.Although camels rarely sweat, they can drink 135 liters of water in just 13 minutes.(Photo: LoLWot.)

Picture 4 of Unique unique characteristics of animals
Galapagos turtles can live more than 150 years and sleep 16 hours a day.They can crawl for a year without drinking water or food.(Photo: LoLWot.)

Picture 5 of Unique unique characteristics of animals
Yellow dart frog is only 5 cm long but its body contains enough venom to kill 10 adult men.(Photo: LoLWot.)

Picture 6 of Unique unique characteristics of animals
This insect is not actually an ant but is the wasps of the Mutillidae family.They were so named because the wingless females looked like large ants with white and black bodies.(Photo: LoLWot.)

Picture 7 of Unique unique characteristics of animals
Large double-eyed butterflies consist of many small lenses.However, they only see yellow, green and red.(Photo: LoLWot.)

Picture 8 of Unique unique characteristics of animals
Similar to fingerprints in humans, no zebra has the same pattern of stripes.(Photo: LoLWot.)

Picture 9 of Unique unique characteristics of animals
Pandas spend 12 hours a day eating and need to eat 12 kg of bamboo a day to meet their needs.(Photo: LoLWot.)

Picture 10 of Unique unique characteristics of animals
With a small appearance, weasels often fight with hyenas, defeat lizards, attack poisonous snakes, invade honeycomb.Bile is very strong, hard and fierce, so very few carnivores dare to touch them.(Photo: LoLWot.)

Picture 11 of Unique unique characteristics of animals
Giraffes can clean the ears with a 50 cm long tongue.They are also mammals with the highest blood pressure.(Photo: LoLWot.)

Picture 12 of Unique unique characteristics of animals
Like some Tarantula animals, spiders molt when mature.They can replace parts such as the legs, genitalia (in females) and stomach lining during molting.(Photo: LoLWot.)

Picture 13 of Unique unique characteristics of animals
Hummingbirds, a tiny bird of the Trochilidae family, are the only birds capable of flying backwards.They can beat their wings 80 times a second.(Photo: LoLWot.)