US develops technology to detect dangerous objects

The US Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) has introduced a technology that detects dangerous objects with almost absolute accuracy.

Picture 1 of US develops technology to detect dangerous objects
New technology for 'detecting the enemy' of the US military - (Photo: Engadget)

DARPA's new technology is called 'Threat Warning System' , referred to as CT2WS . The CT2WS includes a 120-megapixel photoelectric camera with a 120-degree viewing angle connected to a notebook computer running an image analysis algorithm and a brainwave detector.

By analyzing images acquired and combined with the ability to 'read' brain waves, CT2WS can identify potentially dangerous targets in the control.

In the test, when operating in desert or open terrain and having a special filter turned on, this system only alarms 5 / 2,304 cases of danger.

According to DARPA, if the CT2WS is combined with the 'Cerberus Scout Monitoring System' , accuracy will be up to 100%.

DARPA is an agency that specializes in research equipment used in the US military, from sniper rifles to military transport robots.

CT2WS technology has now been handed over to the US Army's Vision Night Lab.