Video: Asteroids with orbit cannot be explained

There is a dwarf planet, the planet's existence itself is a mystery, this planet's name Sedna.

Picture 1 of Video: Asteroids with orbit cannot be explained
Sedna asteroid.

No one knows for sure what it is doing in our Solar System. Phil Plait astronomer: "Sedna can be seen as the most singular singularity of the Solar System."

Here, we have a dwarf planet just 1600km wide, but it is very, very far away in the Solar System, far more distant than Neptune.Sedna is the farthest object we can identify in the Solar System.

Astronomer Kevin Walsh: "Standing on the surface Sedna looks at the Solar System, the Sun will be like a very bright star, but nothing more than a bright starlight."

Like Pluto, Sedna has an unusual elliptical orbit. The difference is that Sedna moves 11 to 150 billion kilometers from the Sun, and unlike the Pluto, its orbit cannot be explained by the proximity to Neptune.