Meteors make the Moon destroy Earth?

Scientists are constantly looking for answers to the question: Can asteroids deflect the Moon's orbit and make it crash into the Earth, causing our planet to suffer disaster?

Recently, the meteorite theme that causes the Earth is causing public interest. While people have not been able to offer solutions for giant sky stones as they plunge into the green planet, many people have rushed to warn another risk. It is the meteorite impact with the Moon that causes the Earth to suffer disastrous consequences.

Some argue that if there is a large object hitting the Moon, it will cause this object to deviate into the Earth like balls on a billiard table. Can that happen in practice?

Explaining this problem Gareth Wynn-Williams, an astronomer at the University of Hawaii (Hawaii, USA) believes that if an asteroid hits the Moon, it can only be left on the planet's surface. a dent only.

Picture 1 of Meteors make the Moon destroy Earth?

Meanwhile, Clark Chapman, a planetary scientist at the Southwest Research Institute (Texas, USA), said that it must be a dense object, the size of the Moon and above can move the Face. moon. However, if that happens, the Moon will be destroyed.

Within a 96-kilometer radius around the Moon's orbit of no more asteroids, scientists pay attention to the largest asteroid - Ceres, 965 kilometers in diameter. What if Ceres slipped out of its position in the asteroid belt and headed for the Moon?

According to Wynn-Williams, this is very unlikely because the Moon revolves around Earth at about 1km / s with perfect trajectory.

'Clearly, the Moon is still in its place so far, so what can make it point towards Earth? At least there must be an object of the same size and density as the Moon, hitting it at the same speed and in the opposite direction. That clash could block the Moon's path and cause it to fall to Earth. '

According to the expert, it is very difficult for the Moon to crash into Earth. The greater possibility is that a very strong collision will cause this object to change its trajectory in the direction closer to Earth. This may sound harmless, but in fact it will make Earth residents as miserable as a meteorite disaster hit Earth.

'If the new orbit causes the distance between the Moon and Earth to be half, the tidal attraction will increase by up to eight times. As a result, sea level rises, engulfing many continents on our planet , " concluded Wynn-Williams.