Video: Beautiful Iceland under the view of Drones

Through the short film, you will see the wonderful images of the island nation "fire and ice".

Our Earth has countless beautiful places, distant lands always contain the grandeur that few people have the opportunity to know, and one of them is Iceland . This European island nation is considered one of the most beautiful places, the interference between ice and fire when there are many volcanoes, hot springs and glaciers.

Picture 1 of Video: Beautiful Iceland under the view of Drones
Iceland's beauty with volcanoes, hot springs and glaciers.

To observe the beauty of this place, using drones is the most logical thing. In the short video shot by Yannick Calonge in September last year with the drone DJI Phantom 4, you will see the Icelandic masterpiece. Most of these films focus on the highlands, which are the center of this beautiful island nation. Calonge has recorded a lot of colors and many majestic scenes rarely seen. We will see the volcanic mountains full of green grass, the scene of the glacier flowing between the ridge, the scene of hot spring water smelling wonderfully.

Video of beautiful Icelandic scenes through drone lens.

It can be said, after watching, you will see the Earth is wonderful with beautiful scenes of ecstasy. By the way, the video in the video is Lisa Gerrard's "In Exile" if you are interested in knowing.

Iceland or Iceland , is an island nation in the European region under the parliamentary republican regime. This is one of the most sparsely populated countries in the world; By the end of 2015, Iceland's population was 330,823 people, with a population density of 0.31 people / km².

Iceland is located adjacent to the North Pole, so it has a very cold climate. However, this country is located on the Atlantic volcanic belt, so there are many volcanoes, hot springs and huge geothermal resources. Iceland also has many glaciers. Thanks to the Gulf Stream flowing close by, Iceland's climate is slightly more moderate.