Video: Change of men's underwear for 100 years

Videos longer than 3 minutes list the styles and materials of the lingerie for men over time.

Mode pages make videos about the development history of men's underwear for the past 100 years. From the early years of the 20th century to now, every decade marks a new development of men's underwear trend.

The model takes the audience away from 1916, when the men's underwear is a simple white jumpsuit, buttoned in front. In the 1920s, men's underwear was still a simple but casual jumpsuit in the arms and legs. Plaid fabric pattern is the biggest break.

Picture 1 of Video: Change of men's underwear for 100 years
Underwear model popular in 1916.

The change of men's underwear trends began in the 1930s , when shorts appeared thin, close to the body. The bra is also more comfortable with elastic material, sweat absorbing cotton and three-hole cut style.

In the 1940s, panties were a wide tube shape, with a tight waistband that allowed men to walk freely. Ten years later, wide pants were stylized with rough introspection and additional patterns. From this stage, underwear tends to be thinner and thinner.

In the 1960s, male internal medicine was not bundled in pure white but disrupted with textures and colors. High waist pants are also typical of this period.

In the following decades, underwear only changed in materials and designs but the design remained the same with tight fitting, thick and stylized scraper, many colors.

In the video, male models also change hair styles, beards, socks, nails, hats . to suit each period.