Video: How is the $ 30,000 tire of giant trucks patched?

Of course, the trucks of the giant trucks were not normal at all and the skilled worker took all day to fix them.

Patching a giant tire is not as simple as normal tires. Workers need to perform dozens of different steps including grinding, cutting, polishing, sewing .

Picture 1 of Video: How is the $ 30,000 tire of giant trucks patched?
These tires usually have a 4,000 hour warranty.(Photo taken from the clip).

The video filmed by REM TIP TOP Company, a giant tire repair equipment manufacturer, will show us how hard this work is. The tool only plays a minor role in things like this by completing it the mechanic needs expertise and patience.

These giant tires cost up to $ 30,000, so even though they are extremely tough, they still decide to patch them to save costs. Even so, these tires usually have a 4,000 hour warranty.