Video: Interesting 'naughty' games with food

If you are a hobbyist, discover tips on "naughty", you should definitely not ignore this video.

You want to bring some interesting pictures to your friends to admire or you need to show some "trick" to score with your audience, the video below will help you a lot. We can create some "cool" reactions to things that are familiar to us - food.

Let's learn a bit about these interesting reactions before watching videos.

It will not be too difficult to create streaks of fresh milk on the surface of the fresh milk, but it will be more magical if you use a cotton swab full of dishwashing liquid to surf the surface of the milk. That is, the streaks of color will automatically move in the direction of separating the swab, creating a somewhat "magical" feeling in the reaction.

Picture 1 of Video: Interesting 'naughty' games with food

Some of the other special "spells" you can create with food are to use toothpicks to paint on banana peels, some time after that they will go dark like natural brown spots on the surface. shells, or you can drop two oranges, one peeled and one intact in the water, the peeled fruit will sink - which is probably not well known.

Picture 2 of Video: Interesting 'naughty' games with food

Picture 3 of Video: Interesting 'naughty' games with food

And with some reaction, when you pour cold coca into a chilled cup, it will immediately appear "frozen snow" in the form of coca, follow this suggestion, you will definitely make it all The surrounding people become really surprised and excited about your "show" .

Picture 4 of Video: Interesting 'naughty' games with food

Finally, follow along and try to follow the video below, you will discover more "cool" things from the food familiar to you.